Daily Archives: December 24, 2010

Christmas time once more!

Times change, feelings remain the same… And even if this is a digital greeting, I hope the warmth of Christmas reaches all of you through this little Christmas wish!

christmas card 2010

Playdough Christmas

What’s so unique about this Christmas tree? Take a closer look before scrolling down… 😉

Whats in the Christmas tree?

The title of this post might have given the surprise away but yes, the deco on the tree is majorly playdough!

Holly Leaves - Playdough

Candy Canes Playdough

From Holly leaves to candy canes…

Frosty the Snowman Playdough

… and Frosty the Snowman thrown in for good luck!

Santa Claus Playdough

Not forgetting Santa Claus, wishing everyone a “Creative” Christmas!!!

Megan has done it again!

Here are her earlier masterpieces:

  1. Farmville
  2. The Play Dough Story