Daily Archives: June 15, 2009

The Play dough story

I showed Megan,  my neice, this blog the other day… immediately she quipped, “Put my pictures also over here.”

These pictures come with a little twist… They are all play-dough (modeling clay) creations… and they come with a story too… all courtesy Megan Rose Fernandes.

(I will only take credit for the photography and a bit of post-processing! ;))

The Artist: Megan Rose Fernandes

The Artist: Megan Rose Fernandes

... at work

... at work








There was a young boy,

There was a young boy,

Who owned a tiny car…

Who owned a tiny car…

One day, he met a pretty girl,

One day, he met a pretty girl,

And gave her a beautiful gift

And gave her a beautiful gift

and they lived happily ever after in their tiny house…

and they lived happily ever after in their tiny house…

– THE END  – 

The Play dough story

The Play dough story